Accelerator Customer Sync Cartridge - Source icon

Accelerator Customer Sync Cartridge - Source

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Development setup

The following tools are available to help support the development and deployment of cartridges for B2C Commerce Cloud:

  • UX Studio — an Eclipse-based product, and
  • Visual Studio Code — a popular editor designed for modern applications.

Commerce Cloud UX Studio

You can find all the details about downloading and installing UX Studio from the Administration > Site Development > Development Setup page in Business Manager.

Visual Studio Code

The Prophet Debugger extension for VS Code can also be used to upload and debug cartridges. A file named dw.json must exist in the project's root directory, which provides the connection details. The format of the file is as follows:

    "hostname": "URL to your CC instance",
    "username": "Account Manager login",
    "password": "Account Manageer password",
    "cartridge": ["int_customer_apisync", "plugin_customer_apisync"],
    "code-version": "Current Version ID"

Once configured, you can use the palette command Prophet: Clean Project/Upload all to upload the cartridges. See the home page of the extension for more details.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onDec 23, 2020
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.4.x

Asset versions